Wednesday, February 3, 2010


Another blog sees the light of day.

Funny how blogs tend to want to multiply like rabbits or cells. Not so funny when one stops to think that it may simply reflect how compartmentalized our human brains are. But then again, it may simply be an instinct for order amidst the chaos. Even as kids we tend to put things into different piles. I'm sure everyone can remember sitting cross-legged on the floor with blocks or Legos or Polly Pocket clothes and knowing instinctively which pile every single item belonged in. Instinctively yes, for the most part, but it did take some concentration and effort to hear those pieces tell you where they belonged.

Watch a child some day ... look at the furrowed brow, the set of their lips, the tiny pink tongue sticking out as their hands hover over one or two or three piles ... waiting, as one probably does with a divining rod ... to feel that magnetic pull ... and then the contented look or even the nod of approval as the item gets "plopped" down in its rightful place.

I'd actually sworn to myself that I wasn't going to become one of those crazy multi-bloggers. I'd wondered many times how they ever found the time to write anywhere with so many choices before them. I realize now ... that it's much like the example I cited above, the thoughts on the tip of your tongue kinda' let you know where and how you should be exposing them to light. I mean, if I want to rant full throttle about injustice or some general topic ... why would I do that it my daily journal? ... or in a blog that's co-authored with a friend?

And so, a new blog convinces the blogger that it should see light.

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